bought shannon's new car

2007-07-17 @ 19:15#

i was able to close on shannon's 'new' car this morning. it's another ford focus. just like the one she's been driving for the last 18 months - that is until she was rear-ended at a stop-light by an another driver.

i say 'new' since it's another used car (again, the same year as her last focus; 2000). but it's in good shape and we got a pretty good deal on it, too. about 20,00 more miles than the last one she bought. only $100 more in price and has several added extras the last one didn't. overall, it will work out fine, i think.

it has been quite an adventure to get the insurance settled and get a new car - all in less than 30 days. shannon dealt with the insurance folks, i did most of the car scouting. it works.

i get to drive it down to lexington this week when i go there w/ jesse to close up his apartment for the summer. that's another story[grin].
